
Body. Soul. Sanctuary.

A place of deep intention, the Libre studio is 
 a invitation to spend real time with ourselves, friends and community—where mind, body and spirit are invited to breathe free.  
Here taking care of yourself is inspired, balanced and beautiful.

The rules have been recast.

Libre holds lofty personal standards of excellence but bristles at the word ‘luxury.’ The value of artistry, quality and authenticity has been diminished in a world fueled by materialism and the consumption economy.

More is more and too much has become never enough. (Miami, you know we’re looking at you.)

Eschewing conventional notions of material luxury, Libre is an opportunity to get real—to engage in things that truly matter—joy and beauty, wellness and well-being, connection and community, artistry and creativity—dispelling the notion that personal indulgence means frivolous excess.

Ever independent and creative, Libre is not confined by a rigid rulebook of convention. Instead, our values are our true north.


We value integrity and actively seek out and create lasting relationships with people who display this quality. We are passionate truth-seekers who honor the bonds of friendship. We look for people who believe in honest, open communication, as we do. We celebrate the individuality of our members, neighbors and collaborators, as well as the divine interconnectedness of the planet we all call home.


We celebrate experiences, people and products that are creative, independent and whole-hearted. We aim to curate a welcoming space for them to thrive. We ensure our practice engages all the senses—from beautifully designed interiors and visual communication to modern play-lists for can’t-look-away choreo. We have an eye for aesthetics and strive to make the world better—with intention and imagination at heart.


With purpose and creativity at our core, we consistently strive for excellence. Corners are not made for cutting and ‘good enough’ quite simply, is never good enough. From class programming to studio design, everything is crafted with intention to function in harmony and elevate the member experience. We are passionate creators who consistently seek to push beyond the status quo.


We delight in bringing freedom, truth and beauty to members throught our fitness practice. We invite them to feel uplifted by the strength of community and sense of place. We are honored to be part of a cherished community, contributing to personal growth through the joy of fitness, wellness and well-being.

Playful expression

We hope to bring something fresh and joyful to the world. Using our sense of creativity as a platform for play, we find pleasure in the freedom of creative movement and are grateful for the bodies that allow us to do so. We pride ourselves in being open to change—actively seeking out the new and amusing—staying open to unexpected opportunities to explore. We let our curiosity and creativity lead the way, keeping us ever looking towards what’s possible.


In everything we do, we always try to maintain a light-hearted, joyful approach. We believe in our expertise but we don’t take things too seriously. Especially not ourselves. This attitude helps us focus on the things we are passionate about—things we hope are worthy of attention.

They told you to get your résumé in order, to punch your ticket,
to fit in and follow instructions.

They told you to swallow your pride—not to follow your dream.

They promised trinkets, prizes and possibly riches if you would just suck it up and be part of the system— if you would merely do what you were told and conform.

Artwork of a woman sitting in the clouds by artist Koketit

They sold you debt and self-storage and reality TV shows.

They sold your daughters and your sons, too.

All in exchange for what would happen later, when it was your turn in line.

It’s your turn. Now. Let’s fly.